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ANS Submits Comments to DOE on Part 810 Regulations

Society recommends actions for nuclear exports

Tracy Marc|

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) submitted recommendations to the Department of Energy (DOE) regarding the Part 810 regulations which regulate nuclear exports. ANS President Donald R. Hoffman outlined the following actions for the DOE to take:

-    ANS believes that the long-term US government influence over global safety and nonproliferation norms will depend on the ability of US vendors to be the suppliers of choice in an expanding international nuclear marketplace.
-    ANS urges the DOE to consider developing procedures that allow US nuclear employers to expedite the hiring of foreign nationals in non-NRC regulated facilities, as such hiring is critical in positioning US vendors to respond to foreign opportunities.
-    The DOE must devote sufficient resources to ensure the smoothest possible transition for US suppliers once the regulation takes effect and as the deadlines to migrate to specific authorization approach.
-    The Society strongly urges the department to work diligently with its counterparts in the US Department of State to develop new processes and procedures to shorten the time needed to secure the necessary assurances.

Additionally, President Hoffman urged the DOE for greater transparency during the regulatory process, which would help US nuclear suppliers who cannot afford the legal fees in navigating the approval process.

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