Northeastern New York ANS Local Section Wins Honors
Members to be presented with awards at 2013 Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C.
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) awarded the Northeastern New York Local Section of ANS with the 2013 Small Local Section Best Meetings and Programs Award.
Leaders in nuclear energy were featured prominently throughout the year at a variety of meetings across northeastern New York. Section speakers included Dr. Clint Ballinger covering the importance of thermoelectronics, an overview of energy sustainability by Dr. James Smiley, and a conversation on the aftermath of Fukushima by ANS Past President Michael Corradini.
ANS President Donald R. Hoffman will present the Northeastern New York Local Section with their awards at the 2013 ANS Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. during the President’s Special Session.
ANS Local Sections provide resources for ANS members to be engaged with the organization with networking opportunities both locally and nationally. Local Sections are also able to deliver their residents public information and public services on how nuclear has enhanced our quality of life in their communities.