Upcoming NRC Public Comment Events
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is hosting town hall meetings across the U.S. to receive public input on nuclear waste confidence. These events are expected to draw large audiences as well as members of the media, as the NRC tracks the country involving the public in its decision making process.
We know that completing the fuel cycle can be done effectively.
- According to the NRC, spent fuel generated in any reactor can be stored safely and without significant environment impacts for at least 30 years beyond the licensed life for operation.
- Interim storage and ultimate disposition of used nuclear fuel can be achieved in manners that will ensure the health and safety of the public and the environment.
We need you to make your voices heard. Public hearings are scheduled for:
Nov. 6th - Orlando, FL
Nov. 12th - Oak Brook, IL
Nov. 14th - NRC Webcast/Teleconference
Nov. 18th - Carlsbad, CA
Nov. 20th - San Luis Obispo, CA
If you want to participate, but are not close to one of the meeting sites, there is still action you can take:
E-mail comments to: Rulemaking.Comments@nrc.gov, citing Docket ID No. NRC–2012–0246
Submit comments online at: www.regulations.gov using Docket ID No. NRC–2012–0246
Mail comments to:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff