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New Board Members Elected, Take Seats at June Annual Meeting

Linda Zec|

The American Nuclear Society recently certified its national elections and has announced six new board members and two new officers for its national Board of Directors.

Dr. Michaele C. Brady Raap of Nuclear Systems Design, Engineering & Analysis Group within the National Security Directorate at Battelle Pacific Northwest Division in Richland, Washington as Vice President / President-Elect.

Michael J. Lineberry, PhD of Idaho State University and Idaho National Laboratory as Treasurer.
US At-Large Directors

Yousry Y. Azmy, PhD of North Carolina State University

Darby S. Kimball, PhDof Bechtel National, Inc.

Heather J. MacLean Chichester, PhD of Idaho National Laboratory and University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kenneth S. Petersen of Exelon Nuclear

Non-US At-Large Director . Americas
Jorge Spitalnik of University of Uruguay and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Student Director. June 2013 to June 2015
Samuel O. Brinton Graduate Research Assistant at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Congratulations to all who were elected," commented Dr. Michael Corradini, current President of the ANS Board of Directors. "The role of each board member is vitally important and I know that these very accomplished men and women will be able to contribute immediately."

These directors and officers will take their seats at the end of the ANS 2013 Annual Meeting scheduled for June 16-20, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia. Other elections for the Society include boards and officers of the professional divisions and technical groups. A full list of election results can be found on the ANS website at

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