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American Nuclear Society President Inaugurates CCNY ANS Student Chapter

Linda Zec|
Discusses ANS Used Nuclear Fuel Management Report, Severe Accident Regulations

American Nuclear Society (ANS) President Eric P. Loewen, PhD, visited the City College of New York to inaugurate the ANS Student Chapter there, ANS Interim Executive Director Roger W. Tilbrook announced today. "Dr. Loewen continues with his remarkable pace of travel with this visit to CCNY," Tilbrook said. "And of particular importance to Society was his inauguration of the new ANS Student Chapter there.the third one this year!"

While there, Loewen visited with faculty members and dozens of engineering students and made two addresses, one on the Report of the American Nuclear Society President.s Special Committee on Used Nuclear Fuel Management and the second highlighting Severe Accident Regulations and how they relate to our post Fukushima world. In addition, he presented the ANS Student Chapter with its ANS certificate of inauguration. Approximately 30 students are members of the new group.

Loewen, when asked about the visit, said, "The vitality of our professional Society is demonstrated by our active student sections, and nothing shows the promise of nuclear science and technology more than events like this one. The students at CCNY are so committed to the community and to ANS that they formed this new chapter, and I'm proud that one of my duties as President is to welcome them to the Society."

Charles Sosa, an engineering student and president of the new section said, "Last year, Dr. Loewen visited us and his infectious enthusiasm helped to create so much interest in ANS that we worked together in order to make this day happen. All of us here are proud to be recognized by the Society."

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