American Nuclear Society

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National Engineers Week, February 20-26, 2011

National Engineers Week provides an opportunity to focus attention on the significant contributions engineers make to our modern society. This annual event also provides an opportunity to help students understand the kind of work that engineers do. Your participation can help form an interest that leads to a career for a future engineer!

The American Nuclear Society has available suggestions for activities to use during classroom visits. ANS also offers brochures and other materials to leave with students and teachers during classroom visits.

Local Sections, Student Sections, and individual members can all help students and the general public develop a better understanding of the important role of engineers. For a list of 50 ideas about how you can participate in National Engineers Week, visit GetInvolved

For information about materials ANS has available to help you as you make classroom visits or conduct other activities marking National Engineers Week, write outreach You can also call the ANS switchboard at 708-352-6611 and ask for the Outreach Department. A conversation about your planned activity can be helpful in selecting useful materials and preparing a PIA Grant request.

In order to assemble materials and ship them to you in advance of National Engineering Week, we need to receive your written requests (completed PIA Grant Requests) by January 31, 2011.
Media Contact:
Outreach Department|708-579-8224