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American Nuclear Society launches the ANS Nuclear Cafe blog

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) today launched a new blog, the ANS Nuclear Cafe. The online site will feature lively posts from ANS members on a variety of topics affecting the nuclear world. Regular features will include
  • DC Perspective: Federal affairs from a nuclear mindset
  • View from Vermont: The public debate about nuclear energy in Vermont
  • Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus: Latest updates from the ANS professional divisions
  • Exclusive content from ANS members on a wide range of nuclear-related topics

The Nuclear Cafe name was chosen because it captures the collaborative nature of the blog as well as the concept of this being an interactive discussion of nuclear topics. The Society's vision is to be a credible advocate for advancing and promoting nuclear science and technology. The ANS Nuclear Cafe furthers this vision by bringing the perspectives and insights of ANS members to the social media sphere.

"We're excited to be moving forward with an innovative initiative like the ANS Nuclear Cafe," said Jack Tuohy, ANS Executive Director. "We hope that the ANS Nuclear Cafe becomes part of the daily web reading for every ANS member."

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