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ANS bestows Society's highest honor on five outstanding nuclear professionals

Linda Zec|
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) today honored five nuclear professionals by bestowing on them the status of ANS Fellow during the Annual Meeting being held in San Diego, California. These ANS members have made outstanding breakthroughs in the fields of nuclear science and engineering.

The prestigious designation of ANS Fellow is a lifetime honor that acknowledges the extraordinary leadership of nuclear professionals in different disciplines relating to research, invention, engineering, safety, technical leadership and teaching.

The ANS Fellows honored are:

Theodore M. Besmann, Group Leader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has developed innovative approaches and fundamental information for the thermodynamic modeling of nuclear fuels and waste forms. In particular, Dr. Besmann is being honored for his work in the thermochemical analyses of UO2 and alkali metal-oxide fuel systems (including fission products), nuclear waste glasses, and advanced transuranic fuels.

Jean-Marc Delhaye, Professor at Clemson University, has made extensive and outstanding original research contributions to nuclear thermal-hydraulics and two-phase flow instrumentation. Dr. Delhaye has achieved excellence in the education and dissemination of knowledge in the field of nuclear thermal-hydraulics in France and the United States.

Hussein S. Khalil, Nuclear Engineering Division Director at Argonne National Laboratory, has achieved outstanding contributions to the development of nuclear system modeling and simulation tools and extensive design innovations for fast spectrum nuclear reactors and fuel cycles. Dr. Khalil has provided international leadership in conceptualizing and conducting coordination research on advanced reactor and fuel cycle systems.

Jim E. Morel, Professor at Texas A&M University, has pioneered research contributions to both deterministic and Monte Carlo charged-particle transport methods as well as many seminal contributions to general radiation transport discretization and solution techniques. Dr. Morel's contributions resulted in the development of the three major transport codes: CEPXS/ONELD, the MITS-adjoint Monte Carlo Code, and the ATTILA Code.

Farrokh Najmabadi, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of California-San Diego, is the single most widely recognized expert in fusion power plant design and systems studies in the world. He has led these studies in the United States for over 20 years, resulting in a body of work that serves as both a technical reference and a guide for program planning. Dr. Najmabadi's work has impacted the direction of fusion research both in the United States and internationally, especially in the areas of power plant relevant tokomak physics regimes, use of advanced technologies needed to make fusion competitive, and alternative confinement concepts and applications of fusion energy.

The Society's highest honor was bestowed on these five remarkable individuals during the ANS Awards Luncheon today. These five fellows will join the elite group of people listed on the ANS webpage at
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