Richard Stratford receives Henry DeWolf Smyth Nuclear Statesman Award
Stratford is Director of the Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety & Security, U.S. Department of State. He is being recognized "For outstanding and statesmanlike contributions to the major aspects of nuclear energy activities in the United States and around the world over the past 25 years including having served twice as Chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Committee of the Whole and in leading the U.S. team that successfully negotiated the U.S.-India and the U.S.-Russia Agreements for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation."
Nominees for this award exemplify the highest level of commitment to the policy and statesmanlike conduct. When asked about this year's recipient, ANS President Tom Sanders, Manager of Global Nuclear Fuels at Sandia National Laboratory, stated, "We are fortunate to have such an extraordinary individual representing the U.S. and the world in this key technical and complex arena."
The Henry DeWolf Smyth Nuclear Statesman Award was established in 1972 by the ANS and NEI to recognize outstanding and statesmanlike contributions to the many aspects of nuclear energy activities. Candidates must have international stature in a broad sector of the nuclear energy field, with much of their work directed toward the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.