World's leading nuclear experts discuss wide ranging issues at American Nuclear Society meeting: Global talent focuses on universal nuclear developments
When asked about the conference, ANS President Tom Sanders said "Nuclear science is no longer limited to a handful of countries around the world and a great deal of important research is occurring internationally. We're really pleased to have such a deeply experienced and knowledgeable group of experts to guide us in understanding what is happening to nuclear science globally."
Some of the most prominent and important sessions and speakers are:
"Nuclear Hydrogen Programs Around the World - Current Activities and Plans"
Gail H. Marcus (Consultant for Nuclear Science and Technology)
Atam Rao - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Shusaku Shiozawa - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Ping Zhang (Tsinghua Univ)
Jonghwa Chang - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
"An International Outlook on Nuclear Power"
Mujid Kazimi (MIT)
Atambir Rao - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA-Austria)
Regis Matzie (Westinghouse)
Erepamo Osaisai (Atomic Energy Agency-Nigeria)
Ratan Kumar Sinha - Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC-India)
Kiyoshi Yamauchi - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI-Japan)
Mingguang Zheng - State Nuclear Power Technology Corp. Ltd./Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNTPC/SNERDI-China)
"Global Nuclear Energy Opportunities and Obstacles"
Yasuo Yoshinari (Hitachi-GE-Japan),
Samim Anghaie (Consultant)
Chang Sun Kang - Seoul National University (SNU-Korea)
Ashok Passiricha - Export-Import Bank of the United States (US Ex-Im Bank)
Dipinder Saluja (Capricorn Investment Group)
Georges Serviere - Électricité de France (EDF-France)
Khaled Toukan (Jordan Atomic Energy Authority-Jordan)
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