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American Nuclear Society honors four Fellows

Linda Zec|
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) today honored four Society members by bestowing on them the status of ANS Fellows during the Annual Meeting being held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 14-18, 2009. Individuals who are named ANS Fellows have made significant accomplishments in the fields of nuclear science and engineering. This prestigious designation is the highest individual honor granted by ANS and acknowledges the extraordinary leadership of nuclear professionals in different disciplines relating to research, invention, engineering, safety, technical leadership and teaching.

Randal S. Baker is honored for his pioneering work in the research and development of robust, efficient, and massively parallel numerical algorithms for radiation-transport simulations. Through technical leadership, these algorithms are employed worldwide via the PARTISN discrete-ordinates code and form an integral part of the Department of Energy's Strategic Computing program.

Peter B. Lyons is recognized for his exceptional and diverse contributions to the advancement of nuclear technology in the United States and around the world. His many accomplishments include his role in developing the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and his leadership at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in its effort to prepare for the nuclear renaissance.

Seung Jong Oh is honored in recognition of his role in the successful completion of APR1400 design development. Dr. Oh led the R&D effort to support the improved safety systems and accident mitigation features adopted for APR1400 design development. Dr. Oh led the R&D effort to support the improved safety systems and accident mitigation features adopted for APR1400 as well as promoted international collaboration through I-NERI projects. Earlier, as an EPRI project manager, he helped U.S. nuclear utilities meeting GL88-20 by providing framework and supporting tools in Fire PRA and the Severe Accident Management area.

Roger E. Stoller is recognized for his contributions as a leading international expert on radiation effects on materials for light water reactors and advanced nuclear energy systems. His pioneering research, which includes development of models and codes used by international researchers, has resulted in significant advances in the fundamental understanding of radiation-induced microstructural evolution in structured materials.

The work of these Fellows has impacted the field and constitutes a body of work of highly recognized value. These four individuals will join the elite group of people listed on the ANS website at
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