Nuclear science and technology advances highlight ANS meeting
A plenary session on "Advancing Nuclear Technology for a Greater Tomorrow" will open the annual meeting on Monday, June 15. Southern Company Chairman, President & CEO David Ratcliffe, The Honorable Sam Nunn, Vice Admiral (Ret.) John Grossenbacher, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner Dale E. Klein, and the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations President & CEO Jim O. Ellis, Jr., are scheduled to head the plenary panel.
At a special session following the opening plenary, ANS President William Burchill will host a dialogue with ANS members on key topics in nuclear science and technology. The following issues will be discussed by recognized experts: high-level waste management, fuel reprocessing/recycling, proliferation avoidance, new plant economics, and nuclear environmental and health benefits.
An embedded topical meeting will also be held in conjunction with the ANS annual meeting: Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS-2009, formerly Space Nuclear Conference). Jeffry T. Gasser of Southern Nuclear Operating Company Inc. served as General Meeting Chair, and Carrie Phillips of Southern Nuclear Operating Company Inc. served as Co-General Meeting Chair.
Note to media: ANS welcomes the media to register onsite for free badges. Signs for walk-in registration will be posted or visit the ANS Media Center, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 15-18 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in the University Room. The official program is also available online. Contact Laura Scheele at (708) 305-9959 for assistance to arrange interviews with meeting speakers and attendees.