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National Nuclear Call-In Day: Thursday, April 30

Several anti-nuclear organizations, including the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), are mobilizing for a national "Call Your Congressperson" Day on Thursday, April 30. Their stated mission is "to stop nuclear and coal subsidies." For more information, see the anti-nuclear alert at

Nuclear professionals are uniquely qualified to provide a thoughtful and informed opinion on the value of nuclear technology. ANS Members who want to share their opinions and counteract misinformation should call their Congressional Representatives on April 30 to respond to these efforts. To call in, dial (202) 224-3121 to reach the Capitol Switchboard and be connected to your Senators and Representative. Ask for the staff person who handles energy matters and feel free to use the sample talking points below:
  • I am a constituent and a strong supporter of nuclear energy in the United States. Bringing on additional nuclear capacity will help revitalize the nuclear industry, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase U.S. energy independence and improve U.S. manufacturing competitiveness. There are some groups claiming that nuclear energy power is receiving "subsidies." I would like to clarify and give you the facts.

    • Loan guarantees are not subsidies. Loan guarantees are available for 10 technologies (including nuclear) that will reduce, sequester, or avoid greenhouse gas emissions. The loan guarantees allow low interest rates for financing new power producing projects -- very important for large capital projects like new reactors. Lowering the project cost leads to cheaper electricity for consumers.

    • Recipients granted nuclear loan guarantees must pay a fee for the privilege of receiving a loan guarantee, plus cover all administrative costs. All loans must be paid back in full. There is no cost to the taxpayer. It is not a subsidy or bailout. In fact, the U.S. Treasury is projected to make money.

  • I support loan guarantees for advanced nuclear, renewable and other efficiency projects, and I hope that my Senator/Representative does the same.
If you have not already signed up for the Nuclear Advocacy Network (NAN), which distributes alerts for nuclear professionals on an as-needed basis, you can do so by visiting NAN at

Thank you for your efforts in Getting the Word Out on important nuclear science issues!

Please report your efforts and responses to the ANS Outreach Department with the subject title "National Nuclear Call-In Day."
Media Contact:
Outreach Department|708-579-8224