American Nuclear Society designates Gianfranco Federici as ANS Fellow
Gianfranco Federici is honored for his leadership in research on plasma engineering and plasma wall interactions in fusion devices. He pioneered theoretical and computational research in these areas and developed several novel modeling tools that had a major impact in enabling first accurate predictions of important effects not previously possible in several key areas of design and operational tokamaks. He also promptly recognized the need for urgent research and development work and led experimental work in tokamaks and plasma simulation devices worldwide to investigate critical phenomena, such as tritium co-deposition, material erosion, dust production, and material mixing.
Dr. Federici's work provides a key database and understanding for the construction of ITER, a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. His work has impacted the field and constitutes a body of work of broad recognized value. Dr. Federici will join the elite group of people listed on the ANS website at