American Nuclear Society: Making the renaissance real
Attendees at the 2007 ANS/ENS International Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo will examine developments in nuclear science and technology and how these developments affect the future. International experts will gather with high-level policymakers, directors, managers, educators and others.
The International Meeting General Chairs are for ANS, Andrew C. White, President and CEO for GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy and for ENS, Dr. Manfred Thumann, CEO for NOK Nuclear Power Division. The Assistant General Chair is Claire Zurek, Marketing Communications Manager for GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy.
Monday's Opening Plenary titled, "Making the Renaissance Real," will begin at 8:30 a.m. The ANS/ENS Honorary Co-Chairs Special Session titled, "Government Policy's Impact on Nuclear's Future: What Every Voter Needs to Know," will take place on Monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. The session will focus on the development of sustainable, clean air technologies for future generations and building a community where knowledge and information is shared.
Throughout the week-long meeting, sessions will feature the most current and innovative NS&T research and developments being done in the industry. Attendees will have opportunities to interact with professionals from all areas of the nuclear field. Topics of papers and discussions will include nuclear power generation, reduction of carbon emissions, radioactive waste transportation, storage, safety, security, and other issues.