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American Nuclear Society welcomes new officers and board members

Today at the end of the American Nuclear Society's (ANS) Board of Directors meeting, a new president, vice-president and Board of Directors took office for the 2007-2008 year. Beginning their terms in officer are the following:

Donald E. Hintz, retired president of Entergy Corporation automatically became ANS president succeeding Harold F. McFarlane as president. Hintz served as ANS vice-president/president-elect for the past year and brings more than 35 years of nuclear experience with him to the position.

"ANS has played a major role in the 50-year legacy of nuclear sciences in America. But with nuclear technologies now receiving bipartisan support for a place in the world's power grids, factories, health-care facilities, and the reaches of space, I look forward to working with our members in being even more effective catalysts as we position the atom for a strong future."

William E. Burchill has been elected to the position of vice-president/president-elect. Burchill recently retired from Texas A&M University and has nearly 40 years combined experience working with utilities, a national laboratory and a university.

"I am deeply honored at having been elected," said Burchill. "The ANS is well-positioned to take a strong leadership role in advancing the nuclear renaissance by providing factual information to the public, decision makers and industry leaders. The next few years will be very exciting for all ANS members, and I look forward to working closely with the new ANS President Don Hintz."

Eric P. Loewen, manager of advanced plant new product introduction, General Electric, has been elected to a two-year term as treasurer of the Society. Loewen was a 2005 ANS Congressional Fellow, received the ANS Public Communication Award in 2003 and has been a member of the society for nearly 20 years.

Harold McFarlane, Deputy Associate Laboratory Director, Idaho National Laboratory and Director of the Space Nuclear System and Technology Division now is the ANS past president and remains on the Board of Directors.

The following members were elected as at-large members of the Board of Directors:

U.S. Directors
  • Sama Bilbao y Leon, Nuclear Safety Analysis Engineer, Dominion Resources
  • Joe F. Colvin, President Emeritus, Nuclear Energy Institute
  • Alan E. Levin, Technical Consultant of New Plants Development, Areva NP
  • Jose N. Reyes Jr., Head of The Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics Department, Oregon State University, U.S. Director
Non- U.S. Director
  • Juan Luis Francois, Energy Systems Department Professor, Metropolitan University of Mexico
Student Director
  • Rachel Slaybaugh, Nuclear Engineer Major, University of Wisconsin
The new officers and directors will officially begin their terms at the end of the Board of Directors meeting held, in Boston, MA on June 28th.
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