American Nuclear Society names three new fellows
ANS Fellows:
Cecil V. Parks, an R and D group leader for Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, is being honored for exceptional technical leadership in guiding the development of the SCALE (Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation) code system from a prototypic to a rigorous and robust system used world-wide for fuel cycle and reactor analyses, and for his contributions to developing consensus solutions to important nuclear safety problems.
Cetin Unal, a staff member for Los Alamos National Laboratory in NM, is being honored for his outstanding and original contributions in developing a phenomenological model of thermal-hydraulics convective boiling of hot rod bundles during the quenching of the bundles (reflood model) based on new hydrodynamic and heat transfer data and implementing it into TRAC code, and for his significant efforts to resolve the Hanford flammable gas safety issue.
Belle R. Upadhyaya, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Energy at the University of Tennessee is being honored for outstanding and original research contributions in: nuclear reactor monitoring and diagnosis; signal validation, fault detection and isolation of field devices, fault tolerant control methods, and advanced signal processing for structural integrity monitoring of steam generators; and for his leadership in the establishing the University of Tennessee Maintenance and Reliability Center.
The prestigious designation of ANS Fellow acknowledges the extraordinary leadership of nuclear professionals in different disciplines relating to research, invention, engineering, safety, technical leadership and teaching. A certificate of distinction is presented at the ANS Annual and Winter Meetings. These three nuclear leaders join this elite group of people listed on the ANS webpage at