National and international nuclear leaders converge for talks about the industry's future
Opening the meeting on Monday, June 5th from 8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. is a plenary session titled, "A Brilliant Future: Nexus of Public Support in Nuclear Technology." It features opening remarks from ANS President E. James Reinsch and will launch almost a week of discussions, presentations of research, and provide opportunities to examine the future of nuclear science and technology.
The technical sessions will cover a wide range of topics: emerging technologies related to hydrogen, power reactor safety, transport and storage of spent nuclear fuel and the environmental aspects of new site selections plus many more.
General Co-Chairs of the meeting are:
- Joseph (Vic) Parrish, CEO of Energy Northwest
- Louis E. Pardi, President & CEO of Power for Washington Group International, Inc.
- Spencer Abraham (Former U.S. Secretary of Energy, 2001-2005)
- Nils J. Diaz (Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
- Andrew C. White (President and CEO, General Electric Nuclear Energy)
- Jose N. Reyes, Jr. (Department Head, Nuclear Engineering & Radiation Health Physics, Oregon State University)
- Frank L. (Skip) Bowman (President and CEO, Nuclear Energy Institute)
- Donald L. Paul (Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Chevron)
- Michael Campbell (Senior Vice President of General Atomics)
- Dan Keuter (Vice President Business Development of Entergy Nuclear, Inc.)
- Kelly Fletcher (Technical Leader of Sustainable Energy for GE Global Research)
- J. Byron McCormick (Executive Director of Fuel Cell Activities for General Motors)
NOTE TO MEDIA: ANS welcomes the media to attend all sessions. Members of the media must bring media credentials and must register for press badges. Journalists are not required to pay a fee. Signs directing you to the ANS meeting registration desk will be posted in the hotel or you can also pre-register at Complete the name, address and other basic information at the top of the page, then select one of the meeting publications either Transactions or ICAPP. Choosing one is just for registration purposes only. At the bottom of the page click proceed and once in the payment section choose Visa and write out MEDIA for your credit card number.
The complete program can be found on the ANS website at For additional information during the meeting visit the ANS media center between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Reno Hilton Hotel in room #159.