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Teachers go to the source for nuclear science education

On June 4, science educators from schools in San Diego, San Bernardino and Ventura counties will go to the source of information on radiation and nuclear science when they attend a full-day workshop, "Detecting Radiation in Our Radioactive World," sponsored by the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and hosted by General Atomics.

Held in conjunction with the ANS Annual Meeting, the workshop introduces teachers to professionals working in the field of nuclear science and technology. Specialists from Idaho National Laboratory, NASA, Penn State University, and the University of Florida will provide valuable information and hands-on activities to engage students in activities to learn about radiation, radioactivity, and nuclear technology.

Participants learn to use and receive free, analog Geiger Counters to use in their classrooms, in addition to getting additional visual materials and experiment sheets.

"Too often, nuclear science isn't addressed in the classroom because teachers feel they don't have the tools to teach it. Working with nuclear professionals in the field, teachers can gain important insights into the relevancy of nuclear science and its diverse applications in their daily lives," explains Patricia Winter, Education Outreach Consultant for General Atomics Sciences Education Foundation. The workshop assists teachers striving to meet National Science Education Standards.

The ANS Public Education Program provides current information on nuclear related topics to educators, students and the public. Educators rely on ANS for credible information that is based on scientific evidence and free from commercialism. ANS resources include the web site, printed publications and other trainings.
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