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American Nuclear Society 2005 election results announced

Ballots tallied and totaled last week, the American Nuclear Society elected the incoming Officers and Board of Directors for 2005.

ANS members selected Dr. Harold F. McFarlane for the role of Vice President/President-Elect. Dr. McFarlane is the Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear Programs and Director of the Space Systems & Technology Division of the Idaho National Laboratory. Exelon Generation General Manager of Research and Development, Dr. William F. Naughton will remain as the ANS Treasurer for his second term.

"ANS is helping to lead the national discussion that will precede new plant orders, designs for fission power spacecraft, and a revitalized nuclear research portfolio," stated Dr. McFarlane. "I look forward to championing these goals in my new role."

Previously at Argonne National Laboratory, McFarlane held the position of associate, deputy or director of divisions named from variations of nuclear, applied, technology, engineering and physics. In 1971, Dr. McFarlane received his Ph.D. in engineering science from the California Institute of Technology, which he attended on an AEC fellowship. He graduated magna cum laude in physics from the University of Texas in 1967. In 2000 he earned an MBA with honors from the University of Chicago.

The following members were named as United States At-Large Directors:
  • Dr. Kathryn A. McCarthy
    Director of Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Integration, Idaho National Laboratory

  • Mr. F. Mark Reinhart
    Chief, Probabilistic Safety Assessment Branch, Operations Support and Licensing Section, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • Ms. Christa E. Reed
    Manager, Uranium Processing Operation and Engineering, BWX Technologies, Inc.

  • Mr. Michael B. Sellman
    President, Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Management Company

  • Hayden C. Olenik
    Student, Purdue University; elected to serve as Student Director.
Newly elected members of the Board of Directors will officially begin their terms at the conclusion of the upcoming annual meeting in San Diego, Calif., on June 9.
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