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Bodman nominated, subcommittee assignments and committee budget approved

Press Release
Contact: Marnie Funk at (202) 224-6977,
For Immediate Release
January 26, 2005

Bodman Nomination, Subcommittee Assignments and Committee Budget Approved by Committee

Senators unanimously approve all by voice vote

Washington, D.C. - Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee members today unanimously approved the nomination of Samuel W. Bodman to be Secretary of the Department of Energy. The senators also approved subcommittee assignments and the committee's budget for the 109th Congress. The senators voted by voice vote during a business meeting held at 9:30 a.m. in SD-366.

Chairman Domenici's statement:

"Mr. Bodman will make an excellent Secretary of Energy. His education, business experience and previous leadership service at Commerce and Treasury will be a tremendous asset to the Department of Energy. I will ask Senate leadership to swiftly schedule a full Senate vote on his nomination. I look forward to working closely with Mr. Bodman to deliver energy legislation to the President this Congress."
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