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Nuclear Society recommends action on low level waste disposal, reaffirms its support of Price-Anderson

The American Nuclear Society's Board of Directors approved two position statements that are now available to the public.

Position Statement No. 11: "The Disposal of Low Level Radioactive Waste" reflects the efforts of the Society's Fuel Cycle & Waste Management and the Decontamination, Decommissioning and Reutilization Divisions. Nuclear professionals worked diligently to articulate the Society's position and address the shrinking disposal capability in the United States.

Position Statement No. 54: "The Price-Anderson Act" reflects revisions to an existing document. Provisions of the Defense Authorization Bill for FY 2005 extending coverage for Department of Energy contractors through December 31, 2006 necessitated the changes.

Position statements represent the Society's opinion on issues of interest to the general public and policy makers. They can be viewed at The Society develops positions based on related technical papers and input from the professional membership. The Board approved the statements on November 18, 2004.
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